Thursday, April 15, 2010


So lately we've been having a lot of skills labs in class, preparing us for the Emergency Room, Surgery, and just practice in general. It's pretty fun! So I thought I'd share some of the things we've learned to do:

-how to do a sterile scrub and prep for the OR (scrubbing into surgery to assist)
-how to do different types of sutures (stitches)
-how to start an IV
-how to draw blood

Those are just a few. Plus all the crazy stuff we're learning- how to clean up large wounds and burn patients, how to treat overdoses, what to do with heart attack/stroke/pulmonary embolism/respiratory distress/etc, and random other emergency situations. Next weekend after our test we're taking ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support). After that is Whole Patient week, then we're officially done with classes!!! It's crazy.

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