Sunday, December 5, 2010


Right now I'm in my surgery rotation. Today, even though it's Sunday, we had to amputate the great toe from a man who was diabetic, and also on chemo, and despite the fact that his toe was infected and gangrenous, the fact that we also need to amputate the other 3 toes, and the fact that he's already lost one toe, he was still caught smoking in the hospital bathroom. People. Please.

Other than that, it's been a lot of gall bladders and appendix removals, and surprisingly a lot of bowel resections. Nothing like holding someone's warm, wet innards in your hands and smelling burning colon as the surgeon dissects it...yum. The surgeons are surprisingly easy to work with (considering surgery in general kinda has a reputation) and it's been so busy it's gone by pretty fast. One of the surgeons set a record for number of surgeries last month, my first 4 weeks there. I'm on call 24/7 with them too- sometimes still rounding at 9pm when a call from the ER comes in. Interesting, busy busy life.

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